Beaucarnea recurvata | Ponytail Palm
Beaucarnea recurvata | Ponytail Palm

Beaucarnea recurvata | Ponytail Palm

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Please note, we do not ship houseplants that are in pots larger than 6-inches. If you are interested in a larger sized plant, please contact us for other purchasing options. 

We do not ship plants to the following states due to USDA regulations: Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii

This pet-friendly houseplant is neither a palm nor a tree — it's actually a succulent and a member of the Agave family. Native to the southeastern desert of Mexico, Ponytail Palms are the perfect low-maintenance pick for your home.

Ponytail palms do best in medium to bright indirect light. They are drought-tolerant and require very little water! Pet-friendly as well.